Objective To explore the relationship between implicit self-esteem,explicit self-esteem and interpersonal attribution characteristics. Methods IAT-test, Rosenherg self-esteem scale and The Multidimentional-Multiattrihutional Causality Scale were administrated to 74 undergraduates. Results There were not significant gender differences in college students' implicit self- esteem and explicit self-esteem; Whether schoolboys who were in high level of explicit self-esteem succeed or fail in interpersonal relationship, they attributed to outside causes;Schoolgirls who were in high level of explicit self-esteem attribute interpersonal relationship success and failure to effort, whereas schoolgirls who were in high level Of implicit self-esteem attribute interpersonal relationship success to ability. Conclusion Schoolboys and schoolgirls in difference self-esteem level attributed the relationship to difference causes.
China Journal of Health Psychology