A mathematical model for enargite bioleaching at 70℃ by Sulfolobus BC in shake-flasks has been constructed. The model included (1) the indirect leaching by Fe^3+ and Fe^3+ regeneration by suspended Sulfolobus, and (2) the direct leaching by the attached Sulfolobus. The model parameters were optimized using genetic algorithm (GA). Simulations of the ferric leaching, and bioleaching processes were done using this model. The dynamic changes of the concentrations of Cu^2+, As^3+, As^5+, Fe^3+ and/or Fe^2+, as well as ferric-arsenate precipitation were accurately predicted.
为在由在饮料烧瓶的 Sulfolobus BC 的 70 掳 C 的硫砒铜矿 bioleaching 的一个数学模型被构造了。包括的模型(1 ) 由推迟的 Sulfolobus 的由 Fe3+ 和 Fe3+ 新生的间接沥滤,并且(2 ) 由依附的 Sulfolobus 的直接沥滤。模型参数用基因算法(GA ) 被优化。铁的沥滤和 bioleaching 过程的模拟用这个模型被做。Cu2+ , As3+ , As5+ , Fe3+ 或 Fe2+ 的集中的动态变化,以及铁砷酸盐的降水精确地被预言。
Supported by the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (2004CB619202) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50174034, 30170026).