目的探讨耐药铜绿假单胞菌(PA)中是否存在主动外排系统,以揭示PA对氟喹诺酮类药物的耐药机制。方法检测碳酰氰间氯苯腙(CCCP)对16株PA药物M IC的影响;荧光法检测PA耐药菌和敏感菌对环丙沙星(CIP)的摄取,以及加入CCCP后对CIP累积量的变化情况。结果外排泵阳性株为4株,CCCP可以使PA 16菌体内环丙沙星的累积量显著上升,而其它菌株中加入CCCP后,环丙沙星的累积量变化不大。结论本地区PA中可能存在氟喹诺酮药物的主动外排系统。
Objective To explore whether active efflux system is present in P. aeruginosa in order to identify the resistance mechanism of P. aeruginosa to Fluoroquinolones antibiotics. Methods The influence of carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) on MICs of antibiotics to P. aeruginosa clinical isolates were tested by agar dilution according to NCCLS. The accumulation of ciprofloxacin in P. aeruginosa were measured by a fluorescence method and the influence of CCCP was analyzed. Results 4 P. aeruginosa isolates had the efflux pumps for β-lactam antibiotics or fluoroquinolones. CCCP could dramatically increase the accumulation of ciprofloxacin in P. aeruginosa PA16. However, CCCP had little effect on the accumulation of ciprofloxacin in other P. aeruginosa clinical isolates. Conclusion There may have an active efflux system targeting fluoroquinolones in P. aeruginosa.
China Practical Medicine