目的观察胰岛素样生长因子-1受体(insulin-like growthfactor-1-receptor,IGF-1R)对人葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤预后评估的作用。方法用免疫组织化学SABC法检测IGF-1R在41例葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤组织的表达。用xz检验分析其表达与临床病理参数之间的关系。采用乘积极限法分析生存率,并绘制Kaplan—Meier曲线。建立Cox比例风险模型,探讨影响预后的相关危险因素。结果41例葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤标本中,IGF-1R在28例肿瘤的细胞胞浆中表达,阳性率68.3%。x^2检验分析显示:IGF-1R的表达水平与肿瘤的细胞类型、最大基底直径、肿瘤的高度显著相关(P〈0.05)。单因素及多因素分析提示:IGF-1R的表达为影响预后的因素。结论IGF-1R在葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤中的高表达是影响预后的因素,可能成为临床判断预后和指导治疗的重要指标。
Objective To investigate the evaluable effect of IGF-1R on the prognosis of uveal malignant melanoma.Methods The expressions of IGF-1R were detected by immunohistochemistry from 41 cases of uveal malignant melanoma.The correlations between IGF-1R expressions and clinicopathological parameters were assessed by x2 test.The overall survival rate was determined by Kaplan-Meier curve.High risk factors affecting the survival time were analysed by Cox's proportional hazard regression model.Results Of 41 cases of uveal malignant melanoma, IGF-1R positive expressions were present diffusely in the cytoplasm of cancer cells in 28 cases (28/41=68.3%).The expression was significantly associated with the cell type,the height and largest basal diameter of tumor (P 〈0.05 ), univariate and multivariate analysis of 41 patients, The expressions of IGF-1R is a prognostic factor of uveal malignant melanoma.Conclusion The expression of IGF-1R may be a prognosis factor in human uveal malignant melanoma,which may be helpful to evaluate the clinical curative effect.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology