
异频供电永磁推进电动机的矢量控制 被引量:1

Vector control of a dissimilar frequency permanent magnetic motor
摘要 异频供电永磁同步电动机(DFPMSM)是一种新型的高功率密度推进电动机,由于它具有两套定转子模块且极对数不同,因此需要两个逆变器对两个定子绕组分别供电,导致其控制方法也与传统永磁同步电机有所不同。该文在其原有的矢量控制方法的基础上,提出了转矩电流分配系数的概念,并通过一种补偿策略,消除了转矩分配变化过程中引起的转速波动。仿真分析和硬件实验,进一步验证了所提出的控制策略的可行性和正确性。 Dissimilar frequency permanent magnetic synchronous motors (DFPMSMs) are high power density propulsion motors. Because of the different number of poles on the two stators, each stator winding is fed from an independent inverter and the vector controls differ from that of traditional permanent magnetic synchronous motors. A DFPMSM vector control method was developed based on a torque current distribution coefficient with the speed ripples produced by torque distribution changes reduced by compensation. The control scheme is validated through both experiments and simulations.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期1537-1540,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50477004)
关键词 异频供电永磁同步电动机 矢量控制 转矩分配 dissimilar frequency motor (DFPMSM) permanent magnetic synchronous vector control torque distribution
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