
移动P2P数据分发技术研究 被引量:3

Survey on mobile P2P data dissemination technique
摘要 移动P2P数据分发技术将P2P模型应用到移动网络中,通过节点间的相互配合来提高系统的可靠性、传输速度和扩展性,目前已成为无线通信的重点研究领域。但是由于移动网络的复杂性,现有的移动P2P数据分发技术在实际应用中仍然存在很多问题。对近年来该领域的一些重点技术如Gossip算法、网络编码、纠错码进行了介绍,并在可靠性、传输速度和扩展性方面对它们进行了分析,针对其在网络动态适应性、网络融合、节点合作度等方面的不足提出了今后的研究方向。 Mobile P2P data dissemination technique applies P2P model to mobile networks. It utilizes mutual cooperation between nodes to improve reliability, transmission speed and scalability of the system and has recently become an important area of research in the field of wireless communication. However, due to complexity of mobile networks, the existing mobile P2P data dissemination techniques have many problems when they are applied to practical networks. This paper presented an introduction on some important techniques emerging recently in this area, such as Gossip algorithm, network coding and erasure codes. Then it analyzed these techniques in terms of reliability, transmission speed and scalability. In conclusion, it pointed out the future direction of research considering their insufficiency in adaptation to network dynamics, network convergence and node cooperation degree, etc.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期2586-2591,共6页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家“863”计划资助项目(2006AA01Z06)
关键词 移动自组织网络 数据分发 Gossip算法 网络编码 纠错码 mobile P2P data dissemination Gossip algorithm network coding erasure codes
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