
两种人体蠕形螨口器环境扫描电镜观察 被引量:2

Observation on the ultrastructure of mouth-part of human Demodex using environmental scanning electron microscope
摘要 目的用环境扫描电子显微镜(environmental scanning electron microscope,ESEM)观察两种人体蠕形螨的口器,判断其性质、食性和致病性。方法用显微操作技术清洗处理活螨,并用ESEM观察。结果与结论用ESEM观察到毛囊蠕形螨具有一种特殊的刺吸式口器,内有口针,皮脂蠕形螨也有类似的口器,但无口针。 Objective To observe the mouth-part ultrastructure of human Demodex using environmental scanning electron microscope, and indicate its type, feeding habit and pathogenicity. Methods Clean and isolate living human Dernodex using micromanipulative technique, and observe the ultrastructure of mouth-part of human Demodex using environmental scanning electron microscope. Results and Conclusion Both especial piercing-sucking mouth-part with an oral needle of Demodex folliculorum and an analogous mouth part without oral needle of Demodex brevis were observed using environmental scanning electron microscope.
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 2008年第10期768-769,共2页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
关键词 蠕形螨 环境扫描电子显微镜(ESEM) 超微结构 Demodex environmental scanning electron microscope ultrastructure
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