Objective To assess the quality of reagents for blood screening tests and to select suitable reagents for an EIA-based blood screening protocol which will increase signal detection and reduce false positive results. Methods Disqualified donor blood samples during routine screenings, 73 based on HBsAg and 99 based anti-HCV antibody analyses, were randomly selected and re-tested with two imported EIA reagents and one domestic EIA reagent. The two imported EIA reagents were the same reagents used for the routine sereening assay. The samples that were reactive to at least one reagent were selected for confirmation tests using either an HBsAg neutralization assay or an HCV antibody Western blot assay. Results Out of the 73 disqualified samples related to HBsAg test, 20 were confirmed positive, 11 were indetemlinate, and 42 were negative. Out of the 99 disqualified samples due to anti-HCV antibody screening test, 29 were confimed positive, and 70 were negative. With the above tested samples, the rate of missing the detection of positive samples for the imported reagents was 13.79 - 27.59%. False positive results were also present. The use of two imported reagents was complementary to each other, but those positive samples that were not detected with the imported reagents were also not detected with the domestic reagents. Conclusion Different levels of failure to detect positive samples and false positive results were found with both imported and domestic reagents. Two complementary EIA reagents should be used for blood screening to ensure the safety of the blood.
Journal of Microbes and Infections
Enzyme immuno-assay
Blood screening
Blood bank