
超临界CO_2流体中酶促脂质反应 被引量:1

Advance in enzyme-catalyzed lipid reaction in supercritical carbon dioxide
摘要 超临界CO2是应用最广泛的超临界流体。用超临界CO2流体作为介质时,许多酶在其中具有水解、酯化的反应活性,可以处理不溶于水的物质。综述了国内外在超临界CO2流体中酶促酯交换制备结构脂质、酶促脂质醇解制备脂肪酸酯、酶促脂质水解的技术进展。并介绍了超临界CO2流体压力、温度和系统水分对酶活性的影响。 Supercritical carbon dioxide is a widely used supercritical fluid. In supercritical carbon dioxide, some enzymes have the activities of hydrolysis and esterification, and can be used to deal with some water insoluble substances. The recent advances in structured lipid preparation, fatty acid esters preparation and lipid hydrolysis by enzyme catalysis in the supercritical carbon dioxide were reviewed. The effects of temperature, pressure and amount of water on the activities Of enzyme in supercritical carbon dioxide were also introduced.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期40-43,共4页 China Oils and Fats
关键词 超临界CO2 脂质 supercritical carbon dioxide lipid enzyme
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