6Will Kymlicka and Wayne J. Norman. The Social Charter debate: should social justice be constitutionalised? Network Analyses: Analysis No. 2. Ottawa: Network on the Constitution, 1992.2.
7Charles Fried. Right and Wrong. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1978. 133 - 134. For another example of conflation between traditional and negative rights, see A. Pereira - Menault. Against positive rights. Valparaiso Law Review, 1988(22) :259 - 283.
8Fabre, Cecile. Constitutionalizing Social Rights. Journal of Political Philosophy, 1998(6).
5Ramcharan. "The Concept and Dimensions of the Right to Life",in B. G. Ramcharan,ed, The Right to Life in International Law. Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985, p. 4 - 5.
6William. A. Schabas, The Abolition of the Death in International Law. Grolius publication Limited, 1993. p. 8.