大连市市长夏德仁向Seatrade资深记者Sam Chambers表示,位于中国东北的大连市正迅速成为全球主要航运枢纽之一。夏德仁自2003年起担任大连市市长,推动了大连这一著名港口城市经济的飞速发展。在Seatrade的独家访问中,夏德仁表示:“开放的大连正逐步融入国际化的舞台。”夏德仁市长自豪地描述了大连市美丽的景色、
Dalian City in northeast China is fast be-coming a major maritime hub Mayor Xia Deren tells Sam Chambers Xia Deren, the mayor of Dalian since 2003, has presided over an economic boom in his famous port city. 'An open Dalian is stepping up to the international stage,' he tells Seatrade during an exclusive interview. Mayor Xia mentions with pride how'the city has beau-tiful scenery, a long coastline, a splendid natural deepwater port, a glorious shipping history and a population of six million en-thusiastic people.' The city was the first ever location for the summer version of the Davos World Economic Forum last year, a sign of its growing importance on the world stage. This November sees the so called 'Davos of shipping'the World Shipping (China) Summit organized by Cosco comes to the city.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly