
黄海中南部16种重要生物资源种类的生化组成及能量含量 被引量:8

The biochemical compositions and energy content of 16 important resource species in the central and southern Yellow Sea
摘要 2005年4月-2006年7月期间,在黄海中南部水域采集了8种重要的经济鱼种和小型饵料鱼种(小黄鱼、赤鼻棱鲤、凤鲚、黄鲫、皮氏叫姑鱼、黑鳃梅童、棘头梅童和细条天竺鲷)以及8种无脊椎动物(脊腹褐虾、鹰爪虾、葛氏长臂虾、中华管鞭虾、口虾蛄、日本枪乌贼、火枪乌贼和双斑蟳),共计5510尾样品。通过对这些种类的生化组成及能量含量的研究,探讨了生化组成及能量含量的种间差异和季节变化。结果表明,黄海生态系统中的16种重要生物资源种类间的生化组成及能量含量均存在极显著差异,根据脂肪和能量含量将其分为3组:(1)赤鼻棱鳀、凤鲚和黄鲫属于脂肪和能量含量较高的鱼类,平均脂肪含量为8.24%,能量含量为7.15kJ/g;(2)小黄鱼、皮氏叫姑鱼、黑鳃梅童、棘头梅童和细条天竺鲷属于脂肪和能量含量相对较低的鱼类,平均脂肪含量为4.82%,能量含量为5.46kJ/g;(3)无脊椎动物的脂肪和能量含量最低,平均脂肪含量为1.81%,能量含量为3.78kJ/g。各种类的生化组成和能量含量存在明显的季节变化,其中以脂肪和能量含量变化最为显著,脂肪含量的季节变幅最高达207%,能量含量的季节变幅最高达58%。 5 510 samples, including eight important economic and small prey fish species(small yellow croaker Pseudosciaena polyactis; rednose anchovy Thrissa kammalensis; longtailed anchovy Coilia mystus ; scaly hairfin anchovy Setipinna taty ; belanger; s croaker Johnius belengerii; bighead croaker Collichthys niveatus ; spiny-head croaker Collichthys lucidus ; cardinal fish Apogon lineatus) and eight invertebrates (coastal mud shrimp Solenocera crassicorhis; crangonid shrimp crangon a f finis; Chinese ditch prawn Palaemon gravieri ; white-hair rough shrimp Trachypenaeus curvirostris ; mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria ; Charybdis bimaculata ; Loligo beak ; Japanese squid Loligojaponica), were collected by bottom trawl in the central and southern Yellow Sea from April 2005 to July 2006. The interspecific and seasonal differences were discussed by study on the biochemical compositions and energy content. The results revealed significant difference of the biochemical compositions and energy content among the 16 important resources species in the central and southern Yellow Sea, which, according to their fat and energy content,may be divided into three groups: (1) Rednose anchovy,long-tailed anchovy and half-fin anchovy were of higher fat and energy content, and the average fat content was 8.24; and the energy content was 7.15 kJ/g; (2) Small yellow croaker, belenger's croaker,bighead croaker, spiny-head croaker and cardinal fish were of lower fat and energy content, and the average fat content was 4.82;/00 and the energy content was 5.46 kJ/g; (3) The fat and energy content of invertebrates were the lowest, and the average fat content was 1.81 ; and the energy content was 3.78 kJ/g. There were obvious seasonal variation in biochemical compositions and energy content for each species ;among which variations of fat and energy content were the most remarkable. The highest seasonal variation of fat content was 207 %, and energy content was 58%. So, if such seasonal variations were ignored in the study on food web of marine ecosystem, it would bring about significant errors in estimating ingestion energy of predators.
出处 《海洋水产研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期11-18,共8页 Marine Fisheries Research
基金 国家重点基础发展研究规划项目(2006CB400607) 国家自然科学基金重大项目(30490233) 国家自然科学基金项目(30570293)资助
关键词 黄海中南部 脂肪 蛋白质 能量含量 季节变化 The central and southern Yellow Sea Fat Protein Energy content Seasonal variations
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