
Molecular Evidence for Primary Producers and Paleo-environmental Conditions in Mesoproterozoic in the Xuanlong Depression in North China

Molecular Evidence for Primary Producers and Paleo-environmental Conditions in Mesoproterozoic in the Xuanlong Depression in North China
摘要 The molecular organic compounds have been identified by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) from Mesoproterozoic rocks in the Xuaniong (宣龙) depression in North China. The main saturated compounds are n-alkanes, monomethylalkanes, n-alkylcyclohexanes, acyclic isoprenoids, and hopanes. The dominant lower-molecular-weight n-alkanes are indicative of the main contribution of microorganisms, in particular, the chemosynthetic bacteria. The presence of abundant monomethylalkanes (mid- and end-branched) and the long chained (〉C20) acyclic isoprenoids indicates the existence of abundant bacteria and/or archaea in ancient oceans. The low abundance of pristane and phytane is suggestive of the relatively low abundance of photosynthetic autotrophs in comparison with chemosynthetic bacteria in the Mesoproterozoic oceans in North China. The sedimentary environmental condition is suboxic/anoxic, as indicated by the low value of the Pr/Ph ratio as well as the presence of abundant sulfur-bearing organic compounds, consistent with the other geochemical data in North China and elsewhere in the world. Both the composition of the primary producers and the sedimentary environmental conditions are favorable for the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks. The molecular organic compounds have been identified by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) from Mesoproterozoic rocks in the Xuaniong (宣龙) depression in North China. The main saturated compounds are n-alkanes, monomethylalkanes, n-alkylcyclohexanes, acyclic isoprenoids, and hopanes. The dominant lower-molecular-weight n-alkanes are indicative of the main contribution of microorganisms, in particular, the chemosynthetic bacteria. The presence of abundant monomethylalkanes (mid- and end-branched) and the long chained (〉C20) acyclic isoprenoids indicates the existence of abundant bacteria and/or archaea in ancient oceans. The low abundance of pristane and phytane is suggestive of the relatively low abundance of photosynthetic autotrophs in comparison with chemosynthetic bacteria in the Mesoproterozoic oceans in North China. The sedimentary environmental condition is suboxic/anoxic, as indicated by the low value of the Pr/Ph ratio as well as the presence of abundant sulfur-bearing organic compounds, consistent with the other geochemical data in North China and elsewhere in the world. Both the composition of the primary producers and the sedimentary environmental conditions are favorable for the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks.
出处 《Journal of China University of Geosciences》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第5期567-576,共10页 中国地质大学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40730209, 40525008, 40621002) the 111 project (B08030) the SINOPEC project (G0800-06-ZS-319)
关键词 PRECAMBRIAN LIPID primary productivity sedimentary environment hydrocarbon source rock. Precambrian, lipid, primary productivity, sedimentary environment, hydrocarbon source rock.
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