
铁路客运车站补票系统的设计与实现 被引量:2

Design and Realization of the Pay-upon-arrival Service System for Railway Passenger Transportation
摘要 铁路客票系统已在全国车站推广多年,但铁路客运到站补票业务却一直采用人工的计算方法,业务操作和信息维护都很复杂,信息化程度低.为改善铁路客运到站补票业务的落后信息化现状,充分利用现有的客票系统网络和应用资源,本文将车站补票系统作为客票系统业务延伸,弥补了客票系统在车站补票领域的空白,完备了客票系统对铁路旅客运输统计分析中的数据来源.提出了车站出站口补票系统的总体结构、网络结构、数据资源及结构,设计了系统主要功能和实现流程,建立了补票系统业务中的事由自动推算和票价自动计算模型.本文开发的客运车站补票系统已投入运营,现场应用效果良好. Railway Ticketing and Reservation System(TRS) has been promoted in the railway stations all over the country for several years,but their pay-upon-arrival business still uses manual computing method.Both business operation and information maintenance are complex and the extent of informationization is low.In order to improve the lag information status of pay-upon-arrival business of railway passenger transport station,sufficiently utilize the network and application resources of current TRS,this document views the pay-upon-arrival system as extension of TRS,fills up the blank of pay-upon-arrival area in TRS,complete the data source of TRS for statistics and analysis of railway passenger transportation.It presents the overall,network and data-resource architectures of the service at the exits of the stations,designs the main features and realization process,and constructs the models for automatic note-reckoning and price-calculation.System based on this document has been put into operation in several stations and is well applied in the scene.
作者 方凯
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 2008年第5期124-128,共5页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
关键词 客票系统 车站补票 设计 模型 ticketing and reservation system(TRS) pay-upon-arrival service design model
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