

The Research of BLDCM Driver Controller Based on DSP
摘要 提出一种基于DSP的全数字无刷直流电动机驱动控制器研制方案。系统采用外环速度环、内环电流环双闭环控制系统,速度调节器和电流调节器采用PI控制。对于无刷直流电动机固有的低速时换相转矩脉动问题,从工程应用角度出发,考虑到电流调节带来的误差,换相方法上摒弃了利用霍尔元件边沿触发检测方案,采用了定时扫描转子位置的方法,提高了电机的动态响应速度和低速时动态性能,同时解决了无刷直流电动机起动问题。速度检测采取M/T法,拓宽了调速范围。理论和实验证明所提出的控制方法可靠,实用性强。 In this paper, a method of BLDCM driver controller based on DSP was proposed. Double loop control system was chosen,in which a PI controller was adopted in the speed and the current loop. To solve the problem that BLDCM had high torque ripple and bad performance in low speed, the usual commutation method that call interrupted subroutines when the rising and falling edges of the three hall - effect sensors equipped on the motor was abandoned,and a new method that scaned the rotor position in a constant period was presented. M/T speed estimation was adopted in the velocity measurement to extend the scope of speed regulation. The theory, and experiment proved the reality and practicability of the proposed method.
出处 《微特电机》 北大核心 2008年第10期31-33,共3页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
关键词 无刷直流电动机 M/T法测速 增量式编码器 BLDCM M/T speed estimation vector control incremental encoder
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