
让教师走上充满意义的课程改革旅程 被引量:9

Leading Teachers to the Meaningful Journey of Curriculum Reform
摘要 随着教育改革研究从结构—功能观向文化—个人观的转变,教师在教育改革中意义的获得以及学校文化的构建日益受到关注。课程改革对教师的意义,实质上是改革所表达的信念体系与教师个人信念体系的一种有机融合,这一融合以教师对工作环境的把握能力和支持性的学校文化为根基。根据意义构建的三元互动模型,应当让教师走上充满意义的课程改革旅程,构建以教师为主体的改革力量,让教师成为价值构建、专业发展、决策以及评价的主体;应当构建学习型学校,改变教师的心智模式,营造支持性的学校文化,营造共同发展愿景。 With the transformation of educational reform research from structural functional perspectives to culturalpersonal perspectives, teachers meaning obtaining in educational reform and the construction of school culture are increasingly paid attention to. For teachers, the meaning of curriculum reform is essentially the organic integration of the faith system expressed in the reform and the teachers' individual faith system. The integration bases on the teachers' mastering ability to the working environment and the supportive school culture. According to the trialectic mode of meaning construction. We should lead teachers to the meaningful journey of reform, construct the reform power with teachers as its principal part, make teachers become the principal part of value construction, professional development, decision making and evaluation. We should also construct learning oriented schools, change the mental modes of teachers, and create supportive school culture and the prospect of mutual development.
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第10期47-52,共6页 Educational Research
基金 国家社会科学基金“十一五”规划(教育学科)2006年度国家青年课题“自我统整教师专业发展模式的构建与实验研究”(课题批准号:CHA060068)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 课程改革 教师 学校文化 educational reform, teacher, school culture
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