
依托BLS签名的基于身份盲签名方案 被引量:2

Identity-based blind signature scheme based on BLS signatures
摘要 依托Boneh等人提出的签名(BLS签名)算法、BLS签名的盲生成算法和BLS签名的聚合算法,提出了一种高效的基于身份盲签名方案。该方案具有轮复杂度最优的特点,即盲签名的生成协议只需用户和签名者依次发送一次信息。它的安全性基于one-more CDH假设,而其他方案则依赖于一个更强的假设——ROS假设。另外,它还具有计算效率高,签名长度短等特点,特别适合电子现金、网络投票等具体应用。 Depending on BLS signing algorithm, blind signing algorithm of BLS signatures, and aggregating algorithm of BLS signatures, a new efficient identity-based blind signature scheme was proposed. First, the round complexity of this scheme was optimal, i.e. it was enough for the user and the signer to respectively transmit only one message during each blind signing process. Second, its security was based on the so-called one-more Computational Diffie-Hellman Assumption (CDH) assumption, while the security of the other similar identity-based signature scheme was based on the stronger assumption - ROS assumption. Additionally, this scheme was computationally efficient and had very short signature length. Therefore, it was very suitable for the applications such as e-cash and e-voting.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期2827-2828,2831,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 BLS签名 基于身份盲签名 双线性对 BLS signature identity based blind signature bilinear pairing
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