

Construction Technology Research of Datawall System
摘要 构建了一个具有多屏拼接和笔式交互特性的数据墙显示系统,该系统由支撑框架、显示和激光笔交互3部分组成,支撑框架部分设计了可快速拆装的结构,保证了便携性;显示系统是由3块背投屏幕和3台投影机组成,可显示大数据量信息;激光笔交互则利用3块摄像头分别对屏幕进行实时捕捉图像,再对图像中激光点位置处理从而获得激光点位置,实现了用户直接在屏幕上进行笔式交互。 In this paper, a datawall system was constructed with the character of multi-screen display and pen-style human-computer interaction. This system had three parts: frame module, display module and pen-style interaction module. The frame module could be dismantled and installed quickly, which made sure transportation expediently. Display module was composed by three rear-screen projection screens and three projection, which surported mass of data' s display. Laser pen-style interaction watched the screens with three cameras and got picture on it real-time to obtain the laser point' s loction by dealing with the pictures and after that user interacted with screen directly.
出处 《测绘科学技术学报》 北大核心 2008年第4期310-312,共3页 Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology
关键词 数据墙 多屏显示 激光笔 屏幕定位 人机交互 datawall multi-screen display laser pen screen orientation human-computer interaction
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