
相互依赖对经销商依从影响的实证研究 被引量:1

An Empirical Research on the Influence of Interdependence on Dealer's Compliance
摘要 相互依赖是渠道研究中的一个核心概念,它对渠道关系行为产生重要影响。依从是关系行为的一个重要维度,在制造商-经销商双边关系中,总体相互依赖与相互依赖非对称分别对经销商依从有显著的积极与消极影响。 Interdependence is a core concept and it has an important impact on relational behavior in channel research. The compliance is an important dimension. By discussing the influence of total intrerdepednce and interdependence asymmetry on dealer's compliance, the result shows that total intrerdepednce has significant positive impact on dealer's compliance, interdependence asymmetry has significant negative impact on dealer's compliance. Findings of this study provide the theoretical guidance and the empirical evidences for channel research and practices.
作者 胡保玲
出处 《经济与管理》 2008年第10期52-55,共4页 Economy and Management
关键词 依赖 相互依赖 关系行为 依从 dependence interdependence relational behaviors compliance
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