
大力实施农民健康工程 推动农村卫生事业又好又快发展

Energetically Implementing the Farmers' Health Project,To Promote Sound and Rapid Development of Rural Health Services
摘要 1998年我省在全国率先实现以县为单位达到初级卫生保健标准的目标,但农村卫生投入不足、人才短缺、保障能力有限等问题仍然十分突出。2006年,江苏省委、省政府决定在全省组织实施农村新五件实事,将农民健康工程列入其中。经过全省上下努力,2008年新农合参合率达95%,人均最低筹资达到100元,各县最高封顶线提高到6万元以上,在全国率先启动实施农村基本公共卫生服务项目,切实加强农村卫生机构服务能力建设。下一步要切实抓好并不断巩固完善新型农村合作医疗制度、深入推进农村公共卫生建设、进一步健全完善农村卫生服务网络、加大力度培养农村适宜卫生人才四个重点,努力为广大农村居民提供"安全、有效、方便、价廉"的基本医疗卫生服务。 Jiangsu Province took the lead in China in realizing the target of up to the standard of primary health care taking county as a unit in 1998. However, the insufficient input in rural health care, lack of talented staff, the limited coverage in health insurance, etc. have been still the problems. The CPC Jiangsu Committee and the Provincial Government decided in 2006, to implement 5 new projects for rural areas, of which farmers' health was one of them. Through the efforts of the governments at different levels of the Province the participation rate of the new rural cooperative medical scheme has been as high as 95%, the minimum fund - raising per capita has been 100 yuan, the cap reimbursement for a sick farmer has increased to over 60000 yuan in every county by 2006. In addition, Jiangsu has taken the lead in China to begin the project of rural primary public health services and to strengthen the service capability of rural healtheare institutions. We will focus on the following four key work in the future, namely, to consolidate and improve the new rural cooperative medical scheme, to carry out the construction of rural public health services, to further establish and improve the network of rural health care, to make greater efforts in training health personnel to meet the needs of the rural areas so as to provide rural residents with safe, effective, convenient and affordable basic medical and health services.
作者 姜锡梅
机构地区 江苏省卫生厅
出处 《江苏卫生事业管理》 2008年第5期1-2,共2页 Jiangsu Health System Management
关键词 农民健康工程 农村卫生 新型农村合作医疗制度 farmers' health project rural health services new rural cooperative medical scheme
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