
广义Gibson地基作用竖向均布荷载的位移近似解 被引量:1

Approximate displacement solution for generalized Gibson subgrade subject to vertical uniform load
摘要 以Boussinesq应力解为基础,结合对矩形积分区域进行等积变换的方法,推导得到了广义Gibson地基在竖向矩形均布荷载作用下的竖向位移近似解.通过与均质地基解和有限元解的对比分析,验证位移近似解的合理性和正确性,并给出相应的适用条件.得到的位移近似解可用于建立广义Gibson地基的地基柔度矩阵,便于在桩-土-承台共同作用问题中应用. Based on Boussinesq's stress method, the approximate vertical displacement solution was obtained for generalized Gibson subgrade subject to the rectangular area by vertical uniform load and equal-area transformation. The accuracy of this solution was verified by comparison with that of homogeneous soil and finite element approach. In addition, the solution can be used to establish such subgrade foundation soil flexibility matrix, thus offering a way for studying pile-soil-pile cap interaction.
出处 《南京工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第5期1-6,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(5047800550678083)
关键词 广义Gibson地基 竖向均布荷载 位移近似解 compressible generalized Gibson subgrade vertical uniform load approximate vertical displacement solution
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