
环境中药物及个人护理品(PPCPs)的分析测试方法 被引量:17

Development of the Analytical Method for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)
摘要 药物及个人护理品(PPCPs)在地表水、地下水、饮用水、土壤、污泥中普遍检出,其质量浓度通常在ng/L~μg/L水平。环境样品中液体样品和固体样品需进行多步骤处理,如提取富集和衍生化以及净化等,PPCPs常用的分析测定方法有气相色谱质谱、气相色谱双质谱、液相色谱双质谱等,论文总结了各种方法的特点及其应用。固相萃取是最常用的富集方法,液相色谱双质谱由于不需要衍生化在环境药物及个人护理品的分析中得到广泛的应用,开发对多种物质同时识别并具有良好的灵敏性和选择性的分析方法是今后的研究方向。 Pharmaceuticals and personal care products(PPCPs) were detected as a ubiquitous micro pollutant with mass concentration of ng/L to μg/L in surface water, ground water, drinking water, as well as soil and sewage. Developments of the analytical methods for PPCPs were summarized in this paper. The multiple procedures of aqueous and solid samples, as well as the applications of the com- monly used analytical method such as gas chromatogram-mass spectrometry, gas chromatogram-tandem mass spectrometry, and liquid chromatogram-mass spectrometry were introduced. Solid phase extraction is the most widely used extraction method and liquid chro- matogram-tandem mass spectrometry is the most commonly used determination method due to no need of derivations. Analytieal method with good sensitivity and selectivity to identify manifold substance at the same time is the direction of future research.
出处 《净水技术》 CAS 2008年第5期56-63,共8页 Water Purification Technology
基金 上海市自然科学基金项目(06ZR14089) 上海市科委国际合作项目(072307007)
关键词 药物及个人护理品 测定 固相萃取 液相色谱双质谱 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) determination solid phase extraction (SPE) liquid chro-matogram-mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)
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