
血清和胸腔积液CEA、NSE、CYFRA21-1、SCC-Ag联检对肺癌诊断的临床意义 被引量:1

Clinical Diagnostic Significance of Combined Detection of Serum and Pleural Effusion Levels of CEA,NSE,CYFRA21-1,SCC-Ag in Patients with Lung Cancer
摘要 目的:探讨血清和胸腔积液中肿瘤标志物CEA、NSE、CYFRA21-1、SCC-Ag联检对肺癌诊断的临床意义。方法:采用放射免疫分析检测54例肺癌患者及35例肺良性病变(BLD)患者血清和胸腔积液中CEA、NSE、CYFRA21-1、SCC-Ag的水平。结果:肺癌组血清和胸腔积液中CEA、NSE、CYFRA21-1、SCC-Ag水平均明显高于肺良性病变组(P<0.01)。胸腔积液中CEA、NSE、CYFRA21-1、SCC-Ag含量明显高于血清含量(P<0.01),血清和胸腔积液CEA、NSE、CYFRA21-1、SCC-Ag联检阳性率分别可达83.33%和92.59%。结论:血清和胸腔积液中CEA、NSE、CYFRA21-1、SCC-Ag联检可提高肺癌诊断的阳性率,在肺癌诊断中有重要价值。 Objective To appraise the clinical diagnostic significance of combined detection of serum and chest fluid levels of CEA, NSE, CYFRA21-1 and SCC-Ag in patients with lung cancer. Methods Serum and pleural effusion contents of CEA, NSE, CYFRA21-1 and ACC-Ag were determined with RIA in 54 patients with lung cancer and 35 patients with benign lung disorders. Results The serum and pleural effusion contents of CEA, NSE, CYFRA21-1 and SCC-Ag patients with lung cancer were significantly higher than those, in patients with benign lung disorders (P〈0.01). The contents of CEA, NSE, CYFRA21-1 and SCC-Ag in patients pleural effusion were significantly higher than those in patients serum (P〈0.01). For combined detection of CEA, NSE, CYFRA21-1 and SCC-Ag in serum and pleural effusion, the positive rate was 83.33% and 92.59% respectively. Conclusion Combined detection of CEA, NSE, CYFRA21-1 and SCC-Ag contents in serum and pleural effusion can increase the positive rate of lung cancer diagnosis.
出处 《放射免疫学杂志》 CAS 2008年第5期391-394,共4页 Journal of Radioimmanology
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