
遗传算法在基因芯片图像分割中的应用研究 被引量:2

Application of Genetic Algorithm in Image Segmentation of Gene Chips
摘要 目的:基于遗传算法实现低密度基因芯片图像的分割,进行目标区域的识别。方法:使用遗传算法对经过小波滤波后的图像进行图像分割,能使绝大部分样点信号被分割出来,可为后续的生物学分析提供较为准确的数据信息。结果:使用该方法对基因芯片图像进行处理,比较准确地分割出样点区域,能有效地分离有价值的弱信号点和背景点或者噪声。结论:该方法可以实现低密度基因芯片图像分割功能,为后续的图像分析提供较为准确的数据信息。 Objective The image segmentation of low-density gene chips based on genetic algorithm, which can implement the function of region identification, is achieved. Methods After image denoising by wavelet analysis, image segmentation is accomplished by genetic algorithm. Results The method can detect the region of sampling point more precisely. It can also effectively separate the valuable weak signal points and background or noise. Conclusion The method can accomplish the function of image segmentation of low-density gene chips, which can provide relative accurate data information for future image analysis.
出处 《医疗卫生装备》 CAS 2008年第10期30-32,共3页 Chinese Medical Equipment Journal
基金 天津医科大学科学研究基金(2003KY7)
关键词 基因芯片 MATLAB 图像分割 遗传算法 Gene ehips MATLAB Image segmentation Genetic algorithm
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