
犯罪心理的解析与启示——以许霆案为例 被引量:1

Analysis and Inspiration of Criminal Psychology-Take Xu Ting as Example
摘要 从犯罪心理学的角度分析许霆案,诱惑是行为人的犯罪动机外在激起机制,特定条件促成了犯罪,而外因通过内因发生作用,许霆经受不住诱惑的内在个体因素是其人格存在缺陷。其自我控制能力较弱,并且在犯罪过程中,通过中和技术,使犯罪行为合理化,降低了犯罪的罪恶感,使犯罪心理得以保持和强化。许霆案的启示在于:加强管理,增强被害预防的意识,通过控制犯罪条件预防犯罪;通过加强自身修养,培养德性,增强抵御诱惑的能力,塑造健全人格预防犯罪。 From the point of view of criminat psychology,temptation is Xu Ting's the external movtivation meehanisme and specific condition provokes his crime; but the external cause works through the internal cause. His defective personality is the main factor in that the lower ablity of controling himself is shy Xu Ting can not resist the temptation ,ratinalise his behavior and easese his gulity feeling,thus keeping and strengthening his criminial mind.The inspiration is to strengthen management,reinforce the consciousness of victim prevention,strengthen the ability of resisting temptationon by advancing self-cultivatinand moral character and shape healthy personility.
作者 雍自元
出处 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期525-529,共5页 Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)
关键词 犯罪诱惑 自我控制 中和技术 条件预防 自我修养 许霆案 criminal temptation self -control neutralizaiton thchnology conditional prevention self-culti-vation Xu Ting case
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