目的通过对学生家长问卷调查,了解上海市闵行区小学生运动伤害发生流行病学情况,为制订有效干预方案提供依据。方法选取闵行区梅陇镇和颛桥镇作为本次调查的镇,采用分层整群抽样方法分别在二镇抽取2所公办小学和2所民工子女学校,问卷调查8所小学民有一至五年级学生家长共3 887名。结果在过去1年内小学生总运动伤害发生率为8.5%;其中发生1次运动伤害发生率为7.9%;发生2次及以上运动伤害发生率为0.6%。闵行区小学生运动伤害三年级发生率最高,一年级发生率最低。学校中多发,玩耍时多发,春夏季多发。下肢和头部受伤多。在23.9%因受伤而请假休息的小学生中,平均休息时间为5.5 d。logistic回归分析结果显示,年级、民族、父亲年龄等为影响因素。结论应积极实施以学校为基础的、三年级学生为重点人群的、预防体育运动中碰撞伤为主的小学生运动伤害干预措施。
Objective To understand the influence factors of sport injuries among pupils in Minhang District, Shanghai, so as to give the reference for effective interventions. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 3 887 pupils' parents in 4 state-run schools and 4 civilian-run schools of Minhang District, Shanghai City. Results The incidence rate of sport injuries was about 8.5 % and the incidence rate in the pupils of Grade 3 was the greatest among five grades in these schools. The sport injuries often occurred inside the schools. The results of logistic regression showed that the influence factors of sport injuries included grade, nationalities, fathers' age, etc. Conclusions The effective interventions to prevent pupils, especial pupils of Grade 3, from sport injuries should be conducted.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor
Athletic Injuries
Epidemiology Study
Child Health Services