

Study on Ni_4Mo Alloy by Three Dimensional Atom Probe
摘要 用带场离子显微镜(FIM)功能的三维原子探针(3DAP)对Ni4Mo有序合金进行研究,并测试脉冲分数对试验结果的影响。观察到Ni4Mo有序合金中存在反相畴界。当脉冲分数为20%时,3DAP能比较准确地对纳米空间中的Ni元素和Mo元素进行定量分析,并能给出空间位置分辨率较高的三维分布图形。当脉冲分数小于20%时,脉冲分数越低,3DAP测得的结果与真实成分的偏差越大。脉冲分数对元素同位素丰度和元素电离价态的测量结果没有影响。 Three dimensional atom probe (3DAP) with field ion microscope (FIM) was used to investigate Ni4Mo ordered alloy and the effect of pulse fraction on the experimental results obtained from 3DAP was studied. Antiphase boundary was observed in the alloy by FIM. An accurate chemical composition of Ni and Mo within a nano-space and a three dimensional atom position map with higher resolution were obtained at 20% pulse fraction. However, with the pulse fraction below 20%, the disparity between measured composition and academic composition grew larger as descending of the pulse fraction. No effect of pulse fraction was found on isotopic ratio and ionized electrovalence measuring.
机构地区 上海大学
出处 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期1719-1722,共4页 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
基金 上海市纳米专项(0552nm049)
关键词 三维原子探针 Ni4Mo有序合金 脉冲分数 three dimensional atom probe (3DAP) Ni4Mo ordered alloy pulse fraction
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