

Analysis of BPEL4WS Using the Control Dependency Relation Algorithm
摘要 IBM、Microsoft和BEA联合提出的服务组合描述语言BPEL4WS是现有的主要工业标准。本文在分析BPEL4WS控制流程的基础上提出了控制依赖关系概念,并设计了一个复杂度为O(N2)的控制依赖关系图生成算法。最后,基于控制依赖关系图,讨论了如何进行BPEL4WS的控制冲突检查和执行优化。 The service composition specification language BPEL4WS, which was proposed by IBM, Microsoft and BEA, is the state-of-the -art industrial standard. Based on the analysis of control flow, the conception of control dependency relation in BPEL4WS is proposed. An efficient algorithm with the time complexity of O(N2 ) is presented for generating the control dependency relation graph. Finally, based on the control dependency relation graph, the paper discusses how to detect control conflicts in BPEL4WS and how to optimize the runtime performance of BPEL4WS.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 2008年第10期45-47,60,共4页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60721002)
关键词 BPEL4WS 服务组合 控制流 控制依赖 控制冲突 BPEL4WS service composition control flow control dependency control conflict
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