
移动式海岸卸载系统三维运动响应研究 被引量:3

Research on three-dimensional motion response of mobile offshore unloading system
摘要 移动式海岸卸载系统是一种由多个半潜式浮箱单元拼接而成的连岸型海上装卸装备,由于其可以靠泊各类中小型舰艇和民用船舶,并可拆卸转移,因而具有很高的适用性和灵活性。文章在深入分析国内外海洋多浮体三维运动响应计算方法的基础上,对近海移动式卸载系统进行了建模,并采用多浮体有限水深三维势流理论和谱分析方法对其在海浪作用下的运动性能进行了研究,重点分析了工作海况下浪向的改变对卸载系统浮箱单元三维运动响应的影响,并将数值计算结果与实验结果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,文中所采用的理论计算方法可以用于预报移动式卸载系统的运动性能,其计算结果可以作为设计锚链和模块间连接器的依据以及确定系统工作海域、海况的参考。 Mobile offshore unloading system is a type multiple connected semi-submersible modules.Based of seashore unloading equipment, which consists of on the analysis of the computational methods of three-dimensional motion response of multi-body, a new model is set up and the three-dimensional potential theory in finite water depth as well as spectrometric analysis method is adopted to calculate the response of the target with different ocean wave directions.And different wave angle cases are taken into consideration especially, due to their various influences on the result. Furthermore, the numerical result is compared with that of the experiment,and they appear to be in accord with each other in certain degree. The comparison indicates that the model could forecast the motion performance of the system, and the calculation result could also be used as the reference in the mooring system and connector design as well as the basis of finding adaptive sea state of the structrue.
出处 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2008年第5期677-684,共8页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(NO.50579047) 教育部博士点基金(20030056045)
关键词 移动式卸载系统 多浮体 势流理论 水动力计算 双P-M谱 mobile unloading system multi-floating body potential theory hydrodynamic calculation double P-M spectrum
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