针对目前国内一些保温材料虽具有较好的热工性能,但普遍存在吸湿吸潮吸水性大的问题,作者开发了憎水珍珠岩保温板,用于建筑外墙内保温和屋面保温。该板密度:220 kg/m^3,抗压强度:0.6~0.9 MPa,导热系数:<0.065 W/(m·K),憎水率:≥98%。应用实践表明:240 mm 砖墙内贴50 mm 该板,平均传热系数为0.74 W/(m^2·K),满足节能50%的要求;用于屋面保温:60 mm 和80 mm 厚憎水珍珠岩保温板的热工性能分别优于200 mm 和250 mm 厚的加气混凝土块;且降低造价。文章还介绍了该板的生产工艺和施工工艺,并进行了经济、技术分析。
In present,some thermal insulation materials at home possess of fine heat prop- erties,but remarkable moisture-absorbing and water-absorbing generally.In view of above,the author develops a hydrophobic pearlite insulating board used for inner insulation of outer wall and roof insulation for buildings.This board has density of 220 kg/m^3,conpression strength 0.6~0.9 MPa,thermal conductivity<0.065W/(m·K),and hydrophobic rate≥98%.Practice shown, the board with thickness of 50 mm sticked on inner side of brick wall with thickness of 240 mm, heat-transfer eoeficient avearged 0.74 W/(m^2·K).may meet the requirement of energy saving till 50%,and the heat properties used for roof insulation by the waterproof pearlite insulation board with the thickness of 60 mm and 80 mm are respectively better than aerated concrete blocks with the thickness of 200 mm and 250 mm,and the construction cost is also reduced.The pro- duction process,construction process and economic-technique analysis of the board are introduced in the article as well.
New Building Materials
hydrophobic pearlite
thermal insulation board
inner insulation for outer wall roof insulation
energy saving for building