流控制传输协议(Stream Control Transmission Protocol,SCTP)是一种可靠的传输协议,它在两个端点之间提供稳定、有序的数据传递服务,并且可以保护数据消息边界。与TCP和UDP不同,SCTP通过多地址主机(Mulci-homing)和多流(Multi-streaming)能提供这些收益,这两种功能均可提高可用性。
SCTP(Stream Control Transport Protocol),standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF)is a new general-purpose transport protocol which fit to transmit stream media because of it's new advantages such as multi-stream transport, unordered deliver and so on. In this issue, we describe the design an operation of SCTP, includes the basic datagram format and the concept of Chunk, Association, Stream, etcetera.
Computer Knowledge and Technology