

Establishment of Rabbit VX_2 Hepatoma Model and Its Imaging Manifestations
摘要 目的建立兔VX2肝癌模型,观察模型动物在USG,MSCT,MRI及肝动脉造影的影像学表现。方法新西兰大白兔40只,采取VX2瘤块开腹种植法成瘤,分别在不同时段行USG,MSCT,MRI及肝动脉造影检查。结果实验组成瘤率97.5%.肿瘤在MSCT平扫时呈等密度或低密度灶,增强后呈低密度结节,边缘环形强化。MRI平扫时,肿瘤在T1WI和T2WI上分别为较均匀低信号和稍高信号灶,3周后肿瘤因坏死、液化而表现为高低密度混合型结节。肝动脉插管造影,VX2肝癌呈丰富动脉血供表现。结论经开腹种植法制作兔VX2肝移植瘤模型是一种简单、成功率高的建模方法。DSA示VX2肝癌呈丰富动脉血供,与人原发性肝癌血供相似。兔VX2肝癌模型的最佳干预期是植瘤后2~3周,USG可用于对兔VX2肝癌生长情况做连续观察,MSCT及MRI检查精确可靠,可作动态观测。 Objective To establish rabbit VX2 hepatoma carcinoma model and observe its manifestations in USG spiral CT, MRI and DSA. Methods VX2 hepatoma carcinoma was induced in 40 New Zealand rabbits through VX2 carcinoma block transplantation, and then the carcinoma was examined through USG, CT, MRI and angiography in different periods. Results Carcinoma formation rate was 97.5%. All the carcinomas were shown to be isointense or hypointense lesions through norm al spiral CT. The carcinomas presented hypointense nodules and the enhanced edges through contrast-enhanced spiral CT. The carcinomas presented comparatively uniform hypointense lesions in T1WI MRI images and hyperintense lesions in T2WI MRI images. Three weeks later, the carcinomas showed mixed nodules of hypointense and hyperintense because of liquefaction and necrosis. In liver artery angiography VX2 carcinoma showed hypervascular. Conclusion The best stage for experimental researches of rabbit VX2 carcinoma model is 2 - 3 weeks after tumor transplantation. Spiral CT and MRI is suit to observe dynamicly and to evaluate curative effect. The rabbit VX2 carcinoma model is fit for intervention research.
出处 《潍坊医学院学报》 2008年第4期322-324,共3页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Weifang
基金 山东省科技发展计划项目(2007GG30002032) 山东省卫生系统杰出学科带头人基金(2006-39) 山东省教育厅重点项目(J04E01)
关键词 VX2肝肿瘤 USG DSA CT MRI Rabbit VX2 Hepatoma carcinoma USG DSA CT MRI
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