调查1522例用 MDT 的麻风患者中的畸残,发现畸残率为57.9%,其中Ⅰ级63.3%,Ⅱ~Ⅲ级36.%。Ⅱ~Ⅲ级畸残者在手、脚、眼及面部以爪形指、足底溃疡、兔眼和面瘫的发生率最高分别占39.6%、28.5%、13.6和3.7%。Ⅱ~Ⅲ级畸残主要发生在 MDT 前,他们在用 MDT 后发生新畸残的也较多。建议对有畸残者用 MDT 时并用6个月的强地松。引起畸残的主要是无痛性神经炎。
Among 1522 cases of leprosy under MDT the disability rate is 57.9%,in Hu- nan Province,of which 63.3% was in Grade Ⅰ and 36.7% in Grade Ⅱ and Ⅲ,including clawhand in 39.9%,plantar ulcer in 28.5%,lagophthalmos in 13.6% and facial paralysis in 3.7%,and the visible disability took mainly place before using WHO's MDT,but there also were new disability after MDT among those who had some disability.The authors suggest that for patients who has had disability prednisone should be given in six successive months when MDT is given.