
240例麻风治愈者中畸残的变化 被引量:1

Changes of Disability in 240 Persons Cured of Leprosy
摘要 城固县于1990和1995年分别对240例麻风治愈者进行了两次畸残调查,五年中畸残的人次、部位和程度(总分)分别增加了46.75%、53.05%和48.78%(P<0.01);DDS单疗治愈组畸残的增加,有非常显著的差异(P<0.001),MDT治愈组则无(P>0.05)。作者认为应尽快全面开展麻风康复。 In 1990 and 1995,two surveys of disability among persons cured of leprosy with DDS monotherapy in Chenggu County,Shaanxi Province,showed that the number,site and degree (as marks) of the disadility in the latter survey increased by 468%,531% and 488% respectively,as compared with those in the former one.But among those cured with MDT,there was no significant exacerbation of the disability in the same time. The authors pointed out that the follow-up for persons cured of leprosy should be continued for a longer time.
出处 《中国麻风杂志》 北大核心 1997年第4期188-191,共4页
关键词 麻风 治愈者 畸残
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