

Analysis of Water Resistance and Detouring Flow in Double-layer Soil
摘要 根据以往的实验研究,双层孔隙介质对水分流量的分布有着比较大的影响。通过相关的实验,确定了影响绕流的一些因素。针对双层孔隙介质的水阻与流量之间的关系展开分析,推导出一些水阻与流量的相关基本公式,可以对于双层孔隙介质,乃至多层孔隙介质的各区域流量分配进行比较合适的初步计算。 From the earlier experiments, we know that double-layer hole medium has a great impact on the distribution of water flow. So we fixed some factors which affect detouring flow. The relations between water resistance and rate of flow in the double-layer hole medium are analyzed, and some inferential reasoning formulas of resistance and flux are gained. The conclusions can be used to compute the distribution of water flow in the areas of multi-layer hole medium.
出处 《太原科技大学学报》 2008年第5期414-418,共5页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(40572168) 山西省自然科学基金(20051060) 山西省高校青年学术带头人项目 山西省人才引进与开发专项基金资助
关键词 双层土壤 导水率 水阻 绕流 double-layer soil, hydraulic conductivity, water resistance, detouring flow
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