
无粘结预应力钢筋混凝土梁非线性动力特性试验研究 被引量:6

Study on nonlinear dynamic characteristics of unbonded prestressed reinforced concrete beam
摘要 对无粘结预应力钢筋混凝土简支梁,分11级损伤加载直到结构达到极限承载能力状态。在每一级损伤状态下,对结构进行了锤击试验与共振试验。对锤击试验结构跨中位移响应进行时频分析以及就共振试验通过找共振峰的方法都可以得到结构的振幅与频率关系。进一步将二者结合起来,通过分析得到了合适的时频分析所用窗口宽度。再结合时频分析方法,分析得到各级加载后无粘结预应力钢筋混凝土梁振幅与频率关系曲线族。通过分析结构振幅与频率关系曲线族的特点,总结了各级损伤状态下结构的非线性动力特性并分析了用无粘结预应力钢筋混凝土梁的非线性动力特性做损伤检测的可行性。 For an unbonded prestressed reinforced concrete simply supported beam, eleven load levels are designed until it reaches ultimate hearing capabilities. At eaeh damage level, impact excitation vibration tests and harmonic excitation vibration tests are conducted. The time-frequency analysis of structural midspan displacement responses of impact excitation vibration tests is carried out, as well as the relationship of structural displacement amplitude and its fundamental frequency is obtained. By combining the results of the time-frequency analysis with the results of the harmonic excitation vibration tests, reasonable window width for time- frequency analysis can be obtained. Using time-frequency analysis, the group of curves of structural displaeement amplitude and its fundamental frequency at each impairing level can be obtained. By analyzing the characteristics of the group of curves of the structural displacement amplitude and its fundamental frequency, the nonlinear dynamic characteristies of the impairing unbonded prestressed reinforced concrete beam are drawn. Then the possibilities of using nonlinear dynamic characteristics to detect the damage levels of the unbonded prestressed reinforced concrete beam are discussed.
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期68-72,共5页 Building Structure
基金 "973"计划资助项目(07CB714200)
关键词 无粘结预应力 时频分析 非线性动力特性 损伤检测 试验 unbonded torestressed time-frequency analysis nonlinear dynamic characteristic damage detection test
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