
脉冲管制冷机调相机构的研究第三部分惯性管调相能力的研究 被引量:6

Investigation on phase shifters of pulse tube coolers Part3: Investigation on the inertance tubes with and without reservoirs
摘要 惯性管作为脉冲管制冷机的主要调相机构,可以为制冷机获得合适的相位关系。但是有的制冷机仅仅使用惯性管作为调相机构,有的同时还采用双向进气作为调相机构,这引起了人们对二者使用的混乱认识。为了深入了解惯性管在脉冲管制冷机中的调相作用,对惯性管的调相能力进行了研究,发现惯性管并不能为所有的脉冲管制冷机实现所需的阻抗,因此双向进气模式在有的制冷机中仍然能够发挥积极的作用。 Inertance tube as the main phase shifter is helpful for the pulse tube refrigerators to obtain appropriate phase relationship. Its introduction greatly promoted the development of pulse tube refrigerators. It is noticed that in some pulse tube refrigerators inertance tube is employed as the only phase shifter, but in some other refrigerators, the double -inlet valve is also employed as the secondary phase shifter. This makes it complicated for people to understand the function of the inertance tube. In this paper, it was found that the inertance tube could not realize the optimum impedance for those pulse tube refrigerators with small cooling power and high driven pressure ratio, so in these refrigerators, the double - inlet mode works.
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期9-13,共5页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
基金 中国科学院院长奖获得者启动基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50536064)资助
关键词 惯性管 热声 湍流 脉冲管制冷机 Inertance tube, Thermoacoustic, Pulse tube refrigerator
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