

Security Management Scheme in WSN Based on the Onetime Pre-shared Key
摘要 无线传感器网络在部署初始阶段,由于未被恶意者察觉或者破解存在难度,节点通常能够在一定时间内具有抵抗劫持的能力。该文基于此分析提出一种适合于静态网络的基于一次性预共享密钥的安全管理方案SMOPK,方案在无线传感器网络部署的初始阶段利用一次性顸共享密钥进行密钥协商等,从而在相邻节点间建立保密的安全连接,建立与实际拓扑一致的安全拓扑。分析表明SMOPK方案具有开销小安全性强的特点,适合于静态无线传感器网络的安全要求。 In the initial stage of the wireless sensor network deployment,nodes are able to resist being compromised due to not being detected or hard to be cracked by attackers.Based on Onetime Pre-Shared Key,a security management scheme-SMOPK was introduced for static network.The scheme uses onetime pre-shared key to agree a shared key,and builds secured links between each pair of neighbors to form a secured topology which complys with the actual topology.Analysis shows that the scheme has features of strong security and low overhead.
作者 刘玉
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2008年第10期5-6,4,共3页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 密钥管理 无线传感器网络 静态拓扑 Key management Wireless sensor network Static topology
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