
肾盂癌CT强化表现与MVD和VEGF表达的相关性及临床意义 被引量:1

Correlation of CT value on contrast-enhanced CT,MVD and the expression of VEGF in renal pelvic carcinoma and its clinical significance
摘要 目的:探讨肾盂癌CT增强扫描病灶强化程度与MVD和VEGF表达的相关性及其临床意义。方法:利用免疫组化方法检测26例肾盂癌病灶的VEGF及CD34表达情况,并计数MVD值,测量CT增强扫描癌灶的CT强化值,并按强化值分为轻、中、重3组,将各指标之间及其与肿瘤临床分期的关系进行统计分析。结果:3个不同强化程度组的MVD值间存在显著性差异,CT强化程度与VEGF表达无明显相关性,CT强化程度与肿瘤临床分期无明显相关性,VEGF表达与肾盂癌的临床分期呈正相关,不同肿瘤分期中MVD值无明显差别,不同VEGF表达组间MVD表达无差别。结论:CT增强扫描肿瘤的强化程度可以很好地反映肿瘤的血供、新生血管形成情况,且与MVD具有一致性;VEGF随肾盂癌临床分期增高而表达增强,但MVD不随VEGF表达及临床分期增高而增高,肿瘤区CT强化程度亦不随之升高,可能与VEGF的血管通透作用有关。 Objective: To investigate the correlation of CT value on contrast-enhanced CT, MVD and VEGF expression in renal pelvic carcinoma and to explore its' clinical significance. Methods: The expression of VEGF and CD34 was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and the MVD was counted in 26 cases of renal pelvic carcinoma. CT value on enhanced CT were measured and divided into three groups of CT enhancement, slight, moderate and obvious enhancement. The correlation of CT value, VEGF and MVD was calculated statistically and the relationship between them and clinical stages of the tumor were also analyzed. Results: There was significant difference of MVD in the three different CT enhancement groups. There was no statistical correlation betweenCT enhancement and VEGF expression; There was no significant correlation between CT enhancement and clinical stages. There was positive correlation between expression of VEGF and clinical stages. There was no significant difference of MVD among different clinical stages and different groups of VEGF expressions. Conclusion: The CT enhancement of the tumor can properly reflect the tumor's blood supply and neovascularization, and was correlated with tumor's MVD. The expression of VEGF increased with the clinical stages. But MVD did not increase with the increasing expression of VEGF and clinical stages. The CT enhancement of the tumor did not increase with the clinical stages either, which may be due to the vascular permeability effect of VEGF.
出处 《中国临床医学影像杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第10期711-714,共4页 Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging
关键词 肾肿瘤 体层摄影术 螺旋计算机 Kidney neoplasms Tomography, spiral computed
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