
伊朗德黑兰959例眼外伤流行病学的研究(英文) 被引量:4

Epidemiology of ocular trauma in Tehran,Iran:A retrospective survey of 959 cases
摘要 目的:回顾过去1a,德黑兰转诊眼科中心穿通性眼外伤的发病特征,并发症和流行病学。方法:调查2002年伊朗德黑兰Farabi眼科医院的959例眼外伤住院患者的医疗记录,记录信息包括人口统计资料(年龄,性别和所从事职业),受伤原因,伤口类型,最初视力,受损部位,伴随症状和体征以及所采取的治疗方式。结果:患者的平均年龄是(22.6±16.4)a,男性患者的年龄峰值为21~25a,女性患者为小于5a。男女性别比例为4.2∶1。62.4%的患者为穿通伤,33.9%的患者为钝挫伤,3.7%的患者为混合伤或化学烧伤。金属物是造成眼球穿通伤的最常见原因,与之相比,石块是眼钝挫伤最为常见的原因。在23.4%的病例中发现了异物,最常见的破裂部位为角膜(46.7%)。结论:本研究认为,穿通伤较钝挫伤常见,年轻人更易发生眼外伤,角膜是最常见的损伤部位。 AIM: To review the characteristics, complications, and epidemiology of perforating eye injury treated at a referral eye centre in Tehran, over one year. METHODS: The medical records of 959 patients hospitalized in Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran, due to ocular trauma in 2002 were studied. Information recorded included demographic information (age, sex, and occupation), offending agent, type of trauma, initial visual acuity, location where trauma occurred, accompanying signs and symptoms, and types of treatment provided. RESULTS. Mean age of patients was (22.6±16.4) years with a peak age of 21-25 years in males and under 5 years in females. The ratio of male to female was 4.2 : 1. 62.4% of patients had penetrating trauma, 33.9% had blunt trauma, and 3.7% had mixed or chemical trauma. Metallic agents were the most common cause of penetrating ocular trauma, while stone was the most common blunt counterpart. Foreign bodies were observed in 23.4% of cases. Cornea was the most com-mon site of rupture (46.7%). CONCLUSION. Based on this study, penetrating trauma is more common than blunt trauma. Younger individuals are more prone to ocular trauma. Cornea is the most common site of injury.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2008年第10期1975-1979,共5页 International Eye Science
关键词 流行病学 眼外伤 眼球穿通伤 钝挫伤 epidemiology ocular trauma penetrating trauma blunt trauma
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