The Baise Uprising and the Longzhou Uprising are once again massive and greatly ilfluential armed uprisings after the Nanchang Uprising,the Qiushou Uprising and Guangzhou Uprising governed by Communist Party of China.What foIlowed the uprising were the establishment of the Revolutionary Baise Area in the Zuo Jiang and You jinng Region as well as the Seventh and Eighth Army of the Workers'and peasants'Red Army.The uprising strongly shocked the Kuomintang reactionary rule og the southeast part of China,leaving a brilliant page in the history of Chinese Revolution.A series of historical sites such as Baise Seventh Army of the Workers’and Peasants’Red Army Heaaquarters,Tiandong You Jiang Workers’and Peasants’Democratic Government,the political department of the Baise Seventh Army of the Woricers’and Peasants’Red Army,the Longzhou Eighth Army of Chinese Red Army Headquarters,Longzhou Zou Jiang Revolutionary Committee,Donglan Red Seven Army Front Committee and Donglan Soviet government,Hechi Red Seven Army's Camp and Reorganization,the conference site of Quanzhou Red Seven Army Front Committee and so on were left and became the important historical witness of the Baise Uprising and the Longzhou Uprising.
China Cultural Heritage