
利用冷凝热再生的复合除湿空调除湿潜力分析 被引量:2

A Theoretical Study on Thermal Dynamics Model and the Dehumidification Capacity of Hybrid Desiccant Cooling System with Condensation Heat Recovery
摘要 简要描述了利用冷凝热再生的复合除湿空调系统形式及其节能性特点;在热力学第一定律和热力学第二定律的基础上,分别以冷凝器和除湿转轮为控制体,建立了复合除湿空调的系统热力学模型,并给出模型求解框图,从而可以求得复合除湿空调系统的除湿量;最后,计算了在不同转轮效率和室内单位面积显热负荷下的系统单位面积除湿量,并讨论了新风量大小对结果的影响;结果表明,在现有转轮效率和常见单位面积负荷指标下,转轮的除湿量小于新风湿负荷(1次/h),而降低新风量后(0.5次/h),当转轮效率较高和室内显热负荷较大时,转轮能够承担新风湿负荷。 The structure and energy conservation characteristics of hybrid desiccant cooling system with condensation heat recovery are introduced briefly. Based on the first and second law of thermodynamics, a system thermodynamic model is established and the solution process given in a diagram. The dehumidification capacity is calculated under different exergy efficiency and indoor sensible heat conditions. The calculation results show that the desiccant wheel barely can compensate for the humidity load of outdoor air under with a ventilation rate of providing fresh air once per hour; when the fresh air rate of ventilation is limited to 0.5 times per hour, however, the desiccant wheel possess sufficient capacity under relatively large wheel exergy efficiency and high sensible heat load.
出处 《重庆建筑大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期118-122,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University
基金 十一五国家科技支撑计划重大项目"长江流域住宅室内热湿环境低能耗控制技术研究与示范"(2006BAJ01A05)
关键词 除湿空调 冷凝热 热力学模型 除湿能力 hybrid desiccant cooling condensation heat recovery thermodynamic model dehumidification capacity
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