
央视汶川地震直播的新闻框架选择之动因分析 被引量:5

On the Motive for Choosing the News Framework in CCTV Live Broadcast of the Wenchuan Earthquake
摘要 央视关于汶川地震的现场直播是一次成功的灾难报道。分析央视汶川地震直播框架选择的动因,需要回到历史语境与中国国家媒体面临的当代信息传播格局。这一问题又被分为三个层次:一是本次地震报道对唐山地震报道的反思性镜鉴,二是多路媒体的真相报道的效率竞争构成的框架选择刺激-反应机制,三是具有自媒体的观众信息流通渠道对央视直播构成的效率考评机制。结合上述三个层面的考虑,可以勾勒出在这个时代,电视媒体如果想获得更大的作为,应该为我们提供什么样的电视直播。 CCTV live broadcast of the Wenchuan Earthquake is a successful report. In analyzing the motive for CCTV to choose the news framework in its live broadcast, we should take into account the historical context and contemporary information communication tendency faced by Chinese national media. The framework is three-dimensional: the first is a reflection of the report of the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976; the second is the motivation-response mechanism brought about by the competition from all kinds of media; the third is the performance appraisal system imposed by the audience in the process of information circulation. So, we can ascertain what kind of live broadcasts TV media should provide in order to succeed in the contemporary age.
作者 朱春阳
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期42-47,共6页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 汶川地震 央视直播 框架选择 动因分析 Wenchuan Earthquake CCTV live broadcast choice of framework motive analysis
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