
声目标分类识别中的噪声去除方法 被引量:2

Noise Cancellation Methods for Acoustic Target Classification
摘要 声信号在传播过程中,常常受到环境噪声(背景噪声)和传输信道的影响,去除各类噪声是对声目标辐射的信号进行特征分析和分类决策的重要基础,也是提高分类识别率的关键环节之一。综合分析和比较了常用的去除加性噪声和卷积噪声的各种方法。 Acoustic signal is usually degraded by environmental noise (background noise) and the transmission channels during its propagation process. To remove the noise is the base of feature analysis and classification decision for the signal emitted by acoustic tal"gets, thus it is one of the key steps for improving the accurate rate of classification. The common methods for the cancellation of additive noise and convolutional noise are reviewed.
出处 《电声技术》 2008年第10期63-67,71,共6页 Audio Engineering
关键词 声目标识别 加性噪声 卷积噪声 acoustic target classification additive noise convolutional noise
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