采用中药废水(两相厌氧消化系统出水)作为膜生物反应器(MBR)的进水,以活性污泥1号(ASM1)数学模型为基础,对中药废水的COD和氮(N)组分进行估计。结果表明,中药废水的COD和N组分不同于传统生活污水。中药废水COD组分中的SS为141.2 mg/L,XS为2 113.2 mg/L,XI为85.3 mg/L,SI为53.8 mg/L;N组分中的SNH为20.93 mg/L,SNO为0.5 mg/L,SND为17.6 mg/L,XND为263.4 mg/L。组分估计是ASM1模型的输入项,它的正确性同模型的模拟结果直接相关,是模型参数的重中之重,同时对研究类似废水水质组分估计也有指导和借鉴作用。
This present paper is focused on the study of the evaluation of the effluent chemical oxygen demand(COD) and nitrogen(N) based on the activated sludge model No.1(ASM1) through comparing the results with the modeling of traditional activated sludge processes.As is known,membrane bioreactors(MBRs) are attracting the whole global interest in water and sewage treatment because of its advantage of producing highly qualified effluent that can meet the commonly needed water quality regulations.However,due to the intrinsic complexity and instability of MBR processes,basic models are needed to provide a holistic understanding of the technology at a fundamental level and then compare the results of the treatment with the modeling of traditional activated sludge processes.The experimental results of our evaluation demonstrate that the influent COD and N in traditional Chinese medicine sewage proves quite different from that of domestic sewage.When compared with the experimental research and development,due to the commercialization of the technology,modeling studies for system design analysis and performance prediction are at a relatively rudimentary state.However,mathematical modeling of the biological performance of MBRs remains very limited in use,which has made us conduct a test in a membrane bioreactor(MBR) to treat high-strength traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) wastewater from two-phase anaerobic digest effluent.The experimental results we have gained demonstrate that the influent COD and N of traditional Chinese medicine wastewater were different to that of domestic sewage.The experimental results also demonstrate that readily biodegradable substrate(SS) proves 141.2 mg/L,with its slowly biodegradable substrate(XS) being 2 113.2 mg/L,particulate(XI) material being 85.3 mg/L,and soluble(SI) material ─ 53.8 mg/L.In addition,ammonia nitrogen(SNH) in the medicine was 20.93 mg/L,nitrate nitrogen(SNO) was 0.5 mg/L,soluble biodegradable organic nitrogen(SND) was 17.6 mg/L,particulate biodegradable organic nitrogen(XND) was 263.4 mg/L.COD and nitrogen(N) evaluation was input of ASM1 and its validity of evaluation was correlative to simulation results of ASM1.Thus,COD and N evaluation tends to be very important to the ASM1 model.Moreover,evaluation of COD and N may have the oriented and referential function for the similar sewage.And,therefore,it proves a real need to develop a model to predict and simulate the effluent COD quality and the process of membrane blocking.
Journal of Safety and Environment
water pollution prevention and treatment, membrane bioreactor, traditional Chinese medicine wastewater, activated sludge model No.1(ASM1), component evaluation