为研究生物吸附剂青霉菌(Penicilium sp.)对染料活性艳红X-3B的吸附性能,考察了菌体预处理方法、溶液初始pH值、盐度等因素对生物吸附的影响,并对吸附机理进行了探讨。结果表明,在选取的预处理方法中,酸处理的菌体吸附效果要优于碱和盐处理。在染料质量浓度为50 mg/L时,经硝酸处理的菌体吸附效果最好,比原菌体的吸附效果提高了40%以上。试验发现改变硝酸的浓度对菌体吸附效果影响不大。硝酸处理菌体的时间越长,达到吸附平衡所需的时间越短。低浓度的NaCl有利于菌体对染料的吸附。体系中50 mg/L的Pb2+或Zn2+对吸附活性艳红有一定的促进作用。对硝酸处理菌体过程中的金属离子和pH值分析表明,菌体吸附了大量的H+,同时有K+和Mg2+释放。对菌体进行红外光谱分析表明,预处理的菌体在酰胺Ⅰ、酰胺Ⅱ和酰胺Ⅲ吸附峰处明显比原菌体增强,表明菌体主要吸附位点可能是氨基,在酸性条件下对染料以静电吸附为主。
The paper aims to introduce its authors' study on the biosorption of reactive red X-3B from its aqueous solution by using pretreated mycelia of Penicilium sp.As is known,Penicilium sp.a strain of fungus by nature,can be used as biosorbent to absorb the reactive red X-3B,an anion dye,from the aqueous solution in batch system.Therefore,study of the batch system helps to disclose the effect of the parameters,the pretreatment method,pH level,salt concentration,heavy meta and so on,on its biosorption.However,among the various chemical agents,the nitric-treated biomass has shown the best performance in light of improving the dye removal capacity at its concentration of 50 mg/L.It is true that the nitric-treated fungal mycelia has potentially a biosorption capacity to absorb the reactive red X-3B 40% higher as compared with the raw fungal mycelia with little effect of the nitric acid concentration difference.However,the dye adsorption rate may increase remarkably with the increase of nitric treating time.In addition,lower salt concentration in the solution may help to increase the biosorption capacity of fungal mycelia toward the reactive red X-3B.The results of our study show that the amount of the adsorbed reactive red X-3B tends to increase by the presence of 50 mg/L Zn2+ or Pb2+ ion.In addition,we have also investigated the change of pH and the amount of K+ and Mg2+ ions in the solution during the nitric treatment on fungal biomass.As a result,the fungal biomass was found to adsorb large amounts of hydrogen ion and release K+ into the solution in the treating process.Moreover,the IR analysis also show that the adsorption peaks of nitric-treated fungal mycelia tend to appear at amide I,amideⅡand amide III characteristic of strong adsorption band.Thus,it can be concluded that the bind site of amino groups of biomass turns to increase after nitric acid treatment,with the reactive red dye anion in the protonated biomass easily adsorbed.Amino group,likely to be the important binding sites for reactive red X3B in it,is also expected to play the main role in the dye biosorption in the acid solution.
Journal of Safety and Environment