公路网规划在实施过程中将各种生态系统转化成交通设施等人工系统,其生态系统服务价值变化需要可能的评价标准和补偿意见。为了计算公路网规划所造成的生态服务价值损失,本文借鉴国内外关于生态系统服务价值计算的研究成果,将自然生态系统划分为森林、草地、农田、湿地、水面、荒漠6个一级类型,在公路网规划中应用Geographic Information System(GIS)技术进行数据处理和统计分析,提出了基于地理信息系统的公路建设导致生态服务价值损失的估算方法。其估算结果可作为生态服务价值损失计算和生态补偿的依据和参考。在此基础上,将此方法应用于河南省高速公路网规划环境影响评价中,对因河南省高速公路网规划所造成的生态系统生态服务价值损失量进行了估算,得出因河南省公路网规划所造成的生态服务价值损失值,供规划编制时优化选线及实施后生态补偿参考。
This paper intends to introduce an improved method for assessing the losses of ecological service values caused by the roadway construction.As we know,ecological systems are valuable because they provide products and services for human beings directly or indirectly.However,such eco-system or semi-ecosystem suffer from the loss due to the planning and construction of roadway networks,for example,forests,pastures,farmlands and rivers have been transformed into human systems like transportation means and facilities.It is also the estimation of such transformations or changes that call for methods available for such assessments.According to Costanzs et al.(1997),global ecosystem service values can be divided into 6 categories,at least,partly,including forest,grassland,farmland,wetland,water body and desert.By means of GIS,the amount of land-use and its consequences in the project of roadway planning and construction are usually calculated on the basis of ecological compensation.Therefore,the present authors use ecological assets value table as a basis and also adjust the price value by biomass and then,the eco-service value loss caused by the roadway construction and planning are to be estimated,with its results used as a basis of ecological compensation.In addition,the loss of eco-service value of the roadway network planning and construction of Henan Province has also been made as a sample assessment.
Journal of Safety and Environment
traffic and transportation engineering, road network planning, services value of ecosystem, environmental impact comprehensive assessment