In the early Edo age of Japan, influenced by the Warring Period, the ruling class advocated Wushu. A lot of Wushu talents did research on Wushu skills, fights'winning or losing, as well as human's living or death, some of whom enriches Wushu expressions and laid the foundation of Japanese Wushu philosophy through taking in the nutrients of song and tea culture. In the mid Edo age, the peace made Wushu tend to be artistic. To adpat to the social development and meet the need of life, some warriors opened Wushu Clubs, which made Wushu teaching system came to be perfected. The Wushu skills were programmed, teaching was classified and some methods prevailed, such as jingles, watchwords and esoteric books. Some invented bambaoo knives and protective pads. When fighting or practising, they used them, which got Wushu centered on actual fighting to healthily develop. In the late Edo age, Japan was in a turmoil, which made Wushu go to the magnificent time again. A lot of famous people and groups beth good at Wushu and of high morality appeared by the end of this time.
Sports Science Research