
词汇法:从单词到词块看英语教学的新趋势 被引量:2

On the Lexical Approach from Words to Chunks
摘要 从对单词的了解以及对词汇法的核心词汇组块的论述来具体讨论词汇法,并对词汇法在英语教学中的优势做了一定的阐述,以便外语教师能对该教法有所了解,从而更好地在教学中实施。 The article discusses the lexical approach from the aspects of words to chunks as well as the advantages of using the approach in English teaching. It aims to help English teachers understand the approach better and make good use of it in their English teaching.
作者 白薇 赵炜
出处 《四川文理学院学报》 2008年第6期61-63,共3页 Sichuan University of Arts and Science Journal
关键词 单词 词块 词汇法 英语教学 words chunks lexical approach English teaching
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