

Electron Acceleration by Three-Dimensional Strong Langmuir Turbulence
摘要 从等离子体动力学理论出发,研究了三维强朗缪尔湍动对电子的加速,得出了高能电子的能量谱,理论得出的这种能量谱能够跟实验观测结果很好的吻合。 On the basis of the Fokker - Planck equation in frame of strong turbulence, the electron acceleration by three - dimensional strong Langmuir turbulence in laser plasma has been analytically studied. The high - energy electron energy spectrum is obtained. The spectrum appears exponential form ,which is consistent with the experimental results.
机构地区 南昌大学理学院
出处 《江西科学》 2008年第5期700-702,共3页 Jiangxi Science
基金 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助(NCET-05-0575) 江西省自然科学基金项目资助(2007GZW2054) 江西省跨世纪学术和技术带头人培养计划项目资助(040010)。
关键词 激光物理 电子加速 朗缪尔湍动谱 等离激元 Laser physics, Electron acceleration, Langmuir turbulence spectrum, Plasmon
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